Space shooty boom boom (now with 1v1's)
Space shooty boom boom (now with 1v1's)
Use your spaceship to destroy asteroids, space stations, and enemy ufo's! See who can get the highest score in the new vs's mode!","keywords":"2 player shooter game,local multiplayer game,unblocked 2 player game","content":"Inspired by the old retro arcade game "Asteroids". Destroy things to gain points but watch out for the UFO's!rnUse the arrow keys to move and the space-bar to fire. In the vs's mode use the blue player will use A.S.W.D to move and SHIFT to shoot. Each players bullets can effect the other player.
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Chess Racer
Chess Racer
This is a casual chess mini-game for one player.","keywords":"chess,minigame,puzzle","content":"This is a casual chess mini-game for one player. You control a chess pawn. You may capture opposing pieces diagonally or go forward on an empty square.There are only 3 columns (files), but there are infinitely many rows (ranks). Go up the board and capture as many pieces as you can in a limited time.rnPoints for capturing:♟ Pawn ♟ - 1 point♞ Knight ♞ - 3 points♝ Bishop ♝ - 3 points♜ Rook ♜ - 5 points♛ Queen ♛ - 9 pointsrnControls: Click/Tap on a column to go one square in the direction of the column.Keyboard controls: Use arrows to move. Forward arrow to move forward, left and right arrows to capture diagonally.rnEasy mode: You need to look just one move ahead.Hard mode: You need to look 3 moves ahead. If you don't you will fall into traps with no possible moves.rnTime Controls: There are multiple time modes in the game.Bullet ► you have 5 seconds for the race and you get small amount of time for each moveRapid ► you have 15 seconds for the race and you get more time for each moveLightning ► you have 1 second for each moveClassic ► you don't have any time limitrnCustomization: You can change colors of your pawn, opposing pieces, game board and background in the 3 bar Menu►CustomColorsrnHigh Scores are saved for each Time Control and Difficulty.rnTip: When playing hard mode, remember that you need to look 3 moves ahead after each move.